Spice it Up With Sandra: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
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Spice it Up With Sandra: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

I have been on a personal development journey for about 11 years now. Prior to this journey I had experienced a few low moments where I felt nothing but fears everyday. I had what you call a closed mindset. I only could see from a cup that was half empty.

I began to discover what a the fear of being judged is what many of us think about often. As we step out of our comfort zones that have been comfortable for quite some time. It’s easy to feel intimidated by other’s who have no fears.

When I first heard this saying I was like WOAH. A light bulb went off, I realized I have to feel fear in order to conquer whatever it is I am after. So many people we look up to have faced the fears. Like performers, firefighters , the police, doctor’s, nurses. So many people face fears, challenges, and adversity daily. And yet the smallest task can feel incredibly heavy to tackle.

I had been at an event where 30 of us were tuning into this woman who was a life coach. She was sharing how everything we touch is energy, energy surrounds us always. What you think about you bring about in your mind and in your life. It’s the law of attraction. I knew she was speaking right at me. I knew at that moment I was meant to be there, to connect with her.

This is how my journey began with a growth mindset. You see I had become so self absorbed , busy with life, kids, and responsibility that I lost touch with who I was as a woman. I was losing sense of who I was meant to be. This happens all the time. We get caught up in the lack and fears, and closed mindset that we forget the good energy and all the beautiful goodness that surrounds us daily. I had been giving to everyone else for so long I had forgotten about who Sandra was. I began a journey of self discovery and learned about how the mind works and the law of attraction.

As I was mentored with my coach I evolved into gratitude, appreciation, awareness, joy, I began to empower my mind with positivity and so much growth. People around me began to notice. I gained more confidence. I began facing fears, like speaking in front of a crowd, creating new friendships. I began to feel the fear and do it anyway, because I gained the courage to do so. I was so empowered I began to not care how others judge me. Because now I was capable of setting boundaries and only having positive people in my life. It was the year of me.

Perhaps you have lost your sense of who you are. I can understand that. Just know that it does happen. As long as you have the awareness, you can seek guidance from an expert.

Just know you can conquer and expand on a growth mindset! Create an overflowing cup rather than half empty!

There are so many resources out there. I read tons of self help books a few of my favourites that really had me connecting the dots:

  • E Squared by Pam Grout

  • You can Heal your life Louise Hay

  • Ask and it is Given Abraham Hicks

  • The Slight Edge Jeff Olsen

Other resources are on Youtube videos, attending personal development conferences. I offer a free resource of my favourite inspiring videos. Send me a message for a free copy!

I’d like to pay a little tribute to Bob Proctor who passed this week. I am forever grateful for Bob sharing his insight on Paradigms. And all his mindset teaching’s I have previewed in the past 10 years, He has been so inspiring and may he RIP.



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